CreateMessage with Custom Fields Soap

I have a problem when I create a message. (Trying to move a ticket from New to Assigned)
I think the problem is because the transition needs some customs fields. I don't know how to set them.
Anybody know that?
I think the problem is because the transition needs some customs fields. I don't know how to set them.
Anybody know that?
- Code: Select all
TaskBean c
MstatusBean[] sts = dp.getWorkflowService().getMstatusList( sessionId, c.getWorkflowId());
String user = dp.getUserService().getUserId(sessionId);
ResolutionBean[] res = dp.getWorkflowService().getResolutionList(sessionId, sts[0].getId() );
PriorityBean[] pbea = dp.getWorkflowService().getPriorityList(sessionId, c.getWorkflowId());
String msgDescription = "msg description";
double hrs = 5.5;
String handlerUserId = user;
String handlerGroupId = user;
String resolutionId = res[0].getId();
String priorityId = pbea[0].getId();
long deadlineLong = System.currentTimeMillis();
double budget = 1;
dp.getMessageService().createMessage(sessionId, c.getId(), sts[i].getId(), msgDescription, hrs, handlerUserId, handlerGroupId, resolutionId, priorityId, deadlineLong, budget);