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User modification of task_custom_field_lookup

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:14 pm
by grahamb
We have a need to allow some users to add new entries to some task_custom_field_lookup scripts and would prefer them to be able to do this via TrackStudio, rather than giving them access to the servers file system.

Is there a way to obtain user input (the string to add to the scripts) from a TrackStudio script? We can already do the file changes from a script, it's just the user values that are needed.

Re: User modification of task_custom_field_lookup

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:53 am
by admin
grahamb wrote:We have a need to allow some users to add new entries to some task_custom_field_lookup scripts and would prefer them to be able to do this via TrackStudio, rather than giving them access to the servers file system.

Is there a way to obtain user input (the string to add to the scripts) from a TrackStudio script? We can already do the file changes from a script, it's just the user values that are needed.

User should enter values in some custom field, that script can get value from that custom field.