Default value of Yes/No dropdown not being captured

I have a workflow that has associated with it a List custom field with 2 values: Yes, No
The field is not required and the default is "No"
The field is editable during the "Indicate reviewed" operation and the idea is that the user sets the value to indicate whether the item being reviewed is (Yes) or is not (No) a duplicate. The user should be able to leave the value as it is indicating No.
What I have found is that when I run a search looking for all items with value No (16) and then for all items with value Yes (23) the total (39) is not the same as the number of tasks that have had the operation "Indicate reviewed" (46).
So it seems that the default value of No is not being captured when the operation takes place.
Alternatively/additionally it maybe should be possible to search for -Yes/No/Not set- rather than just Yes/No.
The field is not required and the default is "No"
The field is editable during the "Indicate reviewed" operation and the idea is that the user sets the value to indicate whether the item being reviewed is (Yes) or is not (No) a duplicate. The user should be able to leave the value as it is indicating No.
What I have found is that when I run a search looking for all items with value No (16) and then for all items with value Yes (23) the total (39) is not the same as the number of tasks that have had the operation "Indicate reviewed" (46).
So it seems that the default value of No is not being captured when the operation takes place.
Alternatively/additionally it maybe should be possible to search for -Yes/No/Not set- rather than just Yes/No.