TrackStudio 2.5 beta1 released. This release supports Jetty, Resin, Tomcat, JRun4, MySQL, and more. It has a new hibernate-based persistence engine and full i18n support with English and Russian localizations. It's easy to configure, install, and use. Also, please check out our new pricing
1) Download 90-day trial (6.5MB)
2) Edit etc/trackstudio.*.properties, please ensure that upload directory exists and siteURL correct.
3) Create database from script in sql. Please refer for more info
4) Start your application server with -Dtrackstudio.Home=<path to
directory with .properties>
5) Deploy .war
6) Login as root/root
Also, you can add properties files to WEB-INF directory of war (you should not use trackstudio.Home this way).
This version should support all application servers and DBMS as 2.2 plus
Jetty, Tomcat 4.x, Resin, JRun4. Also we add experimental mysql support (InnoDB required).
If you can test our application with (but not only) Sun ONE, WebSphere - please notify us about your experience.
Please note that this is early beta version. We does not provide
data migration to/from this version. Please DO NOT USE THIS VERSION
in production environment.