I am trying to evaluate out TrackStudio for possible purchase, but I can't get setup. I am having this problem when I try to enter the system:
- Code: Select all
gran.exception.GranException: Invalid trackstudio.uploadDir parameter or can't access directory:General TrackStudio error
at gran.app.Config.checkCommandLineParametres(Config.java:267)
at gran.app.AppClass.init(AppClass.java:63)
at org.apache.jsp.Index_jsp._jspService(Index_jsp.java:131)
I've tried lots of different things.
Here are my current settings:
- Code: Select all
trackstudioHome C:\Tomcat4.0.6\webapps\TrackStudio\WEB-INF\
# I've also tried not defining trackstudioHome and also:
# trackstudioHome C:\Tomcat4.0.6\webapps\TrackStudio\
# trackstudioHome C:\Tomcat4.0.6\webapps\TrackStudio
# Upload directory. Should be exists and accessible
trackstudio.uploadDir uploads
Both of these directories exist:
I am running Tomcat under Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Sun JRE 1.3.1_06.
I would really like to test TrackStudio, it looks cool!